- Very easy to calculate your expected returns. Use SIP calculator.SIP Calculator is useful for calculating maturity amounts of your mutual fund investments when you are planning for financial goals.- Prons of SIP calculator- You can start investing with a small amount- Lower market risk with the help of averaging- Higher returns with the power of compounding- Systematic Transfer Plan ( STP ) Calculator- Systematic Withdrawal Plan ( SWP ) Calculator- SIP Top Options - Top Up Amount or Percentage, Frequency-Yearly/Half Yearly, Top Up Cap Amount.- Save and View Investment Plan- Share Details through other app like note, WhatsApp- Reminder for monthly installment - 3x1 Widget to show SIP Investment Detail on home screen- Lump sum or initial investment- Currency Symbol- Settings for Default Values - Tenure & Rate of Return - Mutual Funds that invest into stock market are equity funds and the mutual funds that invest in govt. bonds, securities etc are debt funds.- Plan your goals and find how much money would be needed for your different goals. - Settings you can enter default currency, inflation rate and those values will be visible in all the places by default.- RD Calculator: calculate your investment for RD with varying deposit frequency and compound frequency